Course curriculum

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    Welcome to the course!

    • Welcome to ProActive Discovery - Watch video and download workbook!

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    Let's get started!

    • What is Discovery

    • Discovery - Educate and Validate

    • Above and Below the Line Value

    • ProActive Discovery Tools

    • Summary and Next Steps

    • Final Test

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    • A simple prospecting play from Thibaut

How Do You Know This Course Is Right For You?

  • You feel like the buyer is in control on a discovery call.

  • You qualify for product fit, but really don’t measure the energy of the deal.

  • You want to get to the decision maker, but don’t want to upset your “champion”.

  • When you leave discovery and get to your presentation/demo, you feel like your missing information.

  • After your discovery comes a demo/POC/presentation. Then a quote, then silence, and you wonder why.


Skip Miller

As President of M3 Learning, Skip has provided training to hundreds of companies in over 35 countries. He created M3 Learning to “make a salesperson better on each individual call.” M3 Learning’s signature selling methodology, ProActive Selling™, is unique in its high-definition focus on the tactics of selling and proactive sales cycle control.