Proactive Selling Online

Learn how to ---

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    Congrats...let's get started

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    Session 1 - Think Like A Buyer

    • Introduction and Expectations

    • What Do You Want To Sell In A Buyer's World?

    • Think Like a Buyer

    • Intro to the Buyer/Sales Process 1

    • Intro to the Buyer/Sales Process 2

    • It's Not About the Dog

    • Session 1: Let's Review Quiz

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    Session 2 - Discover Like a Pro

    • Introduction and Expectations

    • Discovery at Initial Interest - What is the Problem?

    • Bring it 2 Life - Initial Interest

    • ATL/BTL Value Propositions

    • Discovery at Education - Two Value Propositions

    • Bring it 2 Life - Educate

    • ATL/BTL Final Words - Two Different Flags

    • What Is A Good Educate/Discovery Step?

    • Session 2: Let's Review Quiz

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    Session 3 - The Sales Mission You Need to Master

    • Session 3 - Introduction and Expectations

    • Solution Boxes and Trains

    • Review so far

    • The Printer Story

    • MIDPOINT Review Quiz

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    Session 4 - How To Build Energy and Value in the Sale

    • Session 4 - Introduction and Expectations

    • What is Validate?

    • Time Traveling

    • Transfer of Ownership - Energy for the Deal

    • Validate is a Buy step

    • Session 4: Let's Review Quiz

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    Session 5 - Starting and Ending a Sales Call the Right Way

    • Session 5 - Introduction and Expectations

    • 3-1-2 - How to Plan for a Call

    • Start a Call - 30 Second Speech

    • 30 Second Speech - 2nd Call and Beyond

    • End a Call - Summarize, Bridge, and Pull

    • Session 5: Let's Review Quiz

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    Session 6 - Write Email Content That Actually Works

    • Session 6 - Introduction and Expectations

    • Email Samples

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    Session 7 - Become A Master In Sales Control Skills

    • Session 7 - Introduction and Expectations

    • What Is Qualify and Disqualify?

    • Control the Process: Trip-Tik

    • Trip Tik Examples

    • Qualify Tools

    • Overcoming Price Objections

    • Session 7 Quiz

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    Next Steps and Action Items

    • Final Words and Action Items

Meet Your Trainer

Skip Miller

As President of M3 Learning, Skip has provided training to hundreds of companies in over 35 countries. He created M3 Learning to “make a salesperson better on each individual call.” M3 Learning’s signature selling methodology, ProActive Selling™, is unique in its high-definition focus on the tactics of selling and proactive sales cycle control.

How Do You Know This Course Is Right For You?

  • You are having a problem controlling of the buy/sell cycle

  • You are looking to gain confidence in your qualification skills

  • You want your customers to make decisions faster